
Historically, human resources planning was aimed at meeting deadlines due to regulations. But nowadays, daily work is a mix of ponctual and recurring tasks, on short-term for some, long-terme for the others. 

A large part of firms are still using internal tools to handle planning. Excel is stil widely (maybe too widely) used to do so. Those applications present many flaws, they require (and lack) regular maintenance and, in the end, are hard to use and to manage.

In results: every week, lots of firms need to dedicate a few hours to manage planning issues with a lot of participants : associates, project leads, managers... Sometimes, it requires no less than 30 people! They try to find empirical solutions to handle the tasks that need to be done during the week, the leaves, the last-minute needs... Some firms have chosen to get planning responsibles who dedicate all their time to build (and rebuild) planning and to manage conflicts that may happen.

To get worse, most of the internal tools are not even taking into account the budget for each mission. Not only it make the operationnal quality worse, but it doesn't provide any visibility on project or account profitability until its end. 

Let's say it as it is: these tools are a pain to use and to manage. 

As Thierry Denjean says it: "In this domain, Beeye provide us with many benefits. We were pleased in a really short time."


Connecting planning with budget

With Beeye, every mission is associated to a budget, being the amount this project has been sold to the customer. Thus, Beeye can warn you whenever this budget is going to be exceeded. For example, you're spending more time than expected, or you finally need more qualified human resources implying higher costs.

You're in constant look for a balance between getting the best resources to accomplish the project while looking for maximum profitability. The main challenge is to cope with all the constraints you'll meet in the most flexible way. 

"In our firms, there are certified accountants, lawyers, engineers. Three professions that have different ways to work and different hourly rates. With Beeye, everbody is managed in the same planning. As a manager, I have custom dashboard to get a global vision on the current activities, displayed by job, customer, and of course employee."

  • Easier project tracking. Depending on the time your employees spent on the projects, Beeye shows the gap between planned hours and real hours on a daily basis, or weekly, or annually for all your accounts.
  • An intuitive planning. Wether a project is delayed, for example when a customer is not ready or hasn't sent all the required documents on time, your employees will be able to adapt the planning by themselves to work on other taks in the meantime (much quicker than if you needed a planning manager to adapt the Excel spreadsheet...)
  • Permanent interactions with other users. All users can see their progress in all their tasks. Everybody can consult its accomplished work and the remaining, comparing them with what was budgeted... They'll know all the time if they're in the limit of their budget, and will get alerted as soon as there an excess.

A simple implementation in two months

Beeye has been used since 2019, July the 1st, being the first day of the firm's financial year. Only two months were needed to implement Beeye since the first contact.

« Beeye is a nice start-up, and its highly skilled in its domain. Its teams are experienced and they are highly responsive to our demands to adapt the application to our needs. »

The implementation was conducted as a project that involves all parts at every step:

  1. The firm data were integrated into Beeye thanks to a custm import,

  2. A sample of users were trained and began testing of the application. All comments and questions of these 20 collaborators were kept into a Trello board to exchange about it daily.

  3. The implementation then took place flawlessly. The sample group shared their experiences and the knowledge they got from trainings with their colleagues. 

Beeye provide a valuable help in capacity management, both individually and collectively, and provide a way to avoid over and undercapacty in tems of planning. Each collaborator is now a decision-maker about planning. Beeye has been quickly considered as an opportunity, and not a constraint. 


An application profitable immediately

In addition to the time saved to plan tasks, Thierry Denjean estimates the Beeye has increased billed time from 10 to 20%.

« In order to cope with potential problems, we used to plan more than needed the budget dedicated to each mission, from 10% to 20%. Being able to plan in real-time let us see who's available et let us work more effectively. »

« Beeye is part of a major trend: providing autonomous applications, specialised on a precise domain, you can integrate with other management tools to provide better visibility and profitability. ».

If you want to know more about Beeye, feel free to contact us!

About Denjean & Associés

Created in 1994, Denjean & Associés is composed today by 10 associates and 125 collaborators on Paris, with a revenue of about 15 M€. Its customers are mainly large firms in the sectos of building, energy and banking insurances.

« Our activity is currently mixed between 50% in counseling, and 50% on expertise. Our customers choose us because of our skills and knowledge on highly-specific domains.». Human resources, highly qualified and skilled, consitutes the largent expenses in the firm.
