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Evaluate your return on investment with Beeye!

Rédigé par Paul Guitou--Berlion | Nov 14, 2019 9:25:57 AM

We've conducted many researches with accountants using Beeye toward planning and task assignation to evaluate the short-term benefits they got to improve their R.O.I. 

Because it let you manage your planning in real-time, you can easily assess your team's availability at all time. In the counseling domain, more free time implies more money! Beeye takes into account all kind of data: skills, leaves of absence, deadlines, experience, customer knowledge... to list and assign smartly your projects to every collaborator. You'll no longer need long meeting to ensure your planning will meet your requirements.



By considering budgeted time for each customer and project, Beeye shows you progress on each task in real-time and provides managers with constant visibility on team's profitability. In addition, this application gives more responsibility to everyone while making it easy to collaborate, thus leading to more engagement and loyalty from your employees. 

Right now, this formula is built upon two key indicators:

  • Additional work time to bill to customers
  • Earnt time on establishing the planning


Additionnal worktime to bill

Our users estimate that they produce between 10 et 20% more time to bill lto customers thanks to Beeye

« In order to cope with potential problems, we used to plan more than needed the budget dedicated to each mission, from 10% to 20%. Being able to plan in real-time let us see who's available et let us work more effectively. » Thierry Denjean, Deanjean & Associés

Using this information, you can evaluate your increase in profitability by considering employees average bill rate and the fact you'll improve the number of hours your company usually bill every year by at least 10%.

Let's say you are in a company of 50 people with an average bill rate of 100€, and they usually bill around 1600 hours every year.  With a 10% additional time you can bill, your profitability will improve by 800 K€

10% of additionnal bill time x 1600 hours x 100 € x 50 = 800 K€