Why and how did Comptagesma implement Beeye to plan the assignments of its social section? What effects has this implementation had? Testimonial by Sandrine Benoist, Head of the social service and go-to person for the deployment of Beeye, and Yoann Gicquel Administrative Manager in charge of the firm's information systems
Stemming from Saint Malo and a member of the Eurus network, Comptagesma has been based in the city of its origin for 40 years. Four partners supervise some fifty employees in three branches: Saint Malo, Rennes and Dinan. The firm's clientele is primarily local, consisting essentially of very small businesses and regional and national groups, particularly for the auditing segment. Four divisions manage accounting, social, legal, and auditing services.
Comptagesma is at the forefront of the zero-carbon movement through its own CSR approach as well as through the services it offers its clients to help them embark on this path.
Planning, an HR and strategic issue
We have been experiencing recruitment difficulties for several years," admits Sandrine Benoist. “Particularly in the social sector. Finding experienced employees is difficult. It is therefore crucial for us to find, train and... retain our employees.”
The interesting thing about working in a consultancy firm is that you can work on cases of varying activity, size, and interlocutors, which avoids repetition and monotony. One of the most difficult aspects of our professions, on the other hand, is to understand the workload and to be able to meet deadlines, which is a source of stress and can affect the motivation and loyalty of employees.
To combat this stress, we need to plan carefully. "Before Beeye, there was no planning. We had for years been trying to build balanced portfolios between payroll managers, taking into account both the number of assignments and the volume of payrolls per assignment. But this balance was difficult to strike. And we had to start all over again with each new assignment,” says Sandrine Benoist.
"We were flying without instruments," summarizes Yoann Gicquel. There were time sheets, but they ultimately served only to record the time spent and not to anticipate needs. Above all, too many questions remained unanswered: if the firm took on new assignments, would it necessarily have to recruit? Are the resources fully used? And have the cases that will be coming in been taken into account?”
"How can you sell time well if you can’t keep track of it? Without a suitable tool, it's very complicated. We had already tried Beeye a few years ago, but the progress made since then convinced us to apply it initially to the firm's social section.”
Accelerated implementation in the social section
Comptagesma's social team consists of 8 people in Saint Malo and Rennes. There are by definition high and low periods in its line of business. Under a company agreement working hours can be adjusted, whereby management must avoid any drift. "The objective is not to obtain schedules where each day is totally planned. We need to set time aside for the unexpected and to be able to respond to customers. We must not plan more than 6 hours of work in an 8-hour working day", explains Sandrine Benoist.
It was therefore a question of smoothing out everyone's workload, but also of being able to view it at all times, individually and collectively.
Yoann and Sandrine then worked with a team from Beeye on the implementation of the solution. Analysis of the current process, work on the history, search for criteria to adjust the time allocated to standard tasks according to the difficulty of the file... “We went into the nomenclature," explains Yoann Gicquel, "and we defined standard times per task that we vary depending on criteria such as the size of the file. Overall, the standard times are consistent with the real situation. It's up to us to analyze the cases where we notice discrepancies.
We were able to start using Beeye on 1 June 2022, in the middle of the payroll period. Things went well right away. Beeye served as a facilitator for managing the workload over the summer holiday period. Prior to the implementation of Beeye, it had been decided, for the first time, to operate a basic social service during the month of August in order to meet our clients' expectations in terms of advice. The implementation of Beeye has enabled us to manage the turnover and holiday leave phases of each employee with more peace of mind.
Tangible results
"The team is satisfied with Beeye. Everyone appreciates its ergonomics, its simplicity, and its look and feel. The less experienced staff were immediately relieved of the stress of not knowing whether they would succeed in completing their assignments on time," says Sandrine Benoist. “They can see first-hand where they are and where they are going and are better able to cope with busy periods.
Their mental workload is reduced accordingly. The tasks are planned, distributed, and scheduled, and they know that they can manage the work. This makes the younger ones -- but also the others -- feel secure.
At the weekly meeting, I project the entire team's schedule on a single screen. Colored indicators are used to show the workloads of everyone – including mine. All you have to do is play with the cards to adjust the schedule. It is an awareness-raising tool which moreover provides a scope for discussion based on evidence - for example, when it comes to controlling over quality.
The first thing everyone does now when getting down to work every day is open Beeye to keep track of their own work, but also to find out if a colleague is available before disturbing them. It is a real collaborative tool, one that encourages teamwork.”
Next steps:
The firm will switch to the new Beeye Quasar platform, which is even more user-friendly, on 13 September;
Other sections will soon be able to switch to Beeye, with particular attention to adoption and change management.
What we like about Beeye:
- The quality of the social task nomenclature
- The simple and meaningful visualization of the data
- The possible and documented anticipation of recruitment needs
- Automatic planning of recurring tasks
- The simplicity of use
- The peace of mind for all as assignments are completed on time
- The team spirit which is bolstered by the transparency of workloads